Monday, 21 July 2008

“Pretty Woman” (Roy Orbison)

OK, well the title of this blog is a little obscure, but it was the best I could come up with… My thought process is as follows – Pretty Woman, the movie, starred Richard Gere. Richard Gere is one of the highest profile supporters of the Free Tibet campaign. Although we are in India, it is actually like being in Tibet, as we are in Dharamsala (well, actually, more specifically McLeod Ganj, about 10km up a very un-truck-friendly road from Dharmasala), which is the home of the exiled 14th Dalai Lama, and home to thousands of Tibetans. And so, while we are in India, it really feels like we have come to a different country. There are red and yellow robed Tibetan monks wandering the streets (usually talking on mobile phones, it must be said), “Free Tibet” signs everywhere, and Tibetan food on the menu (yet to be sampled). The weather is a much more pleasant temperature (ever so slightly hot and humid in Delhi and Agra – in the monsoon season, who would have thought?), and we have three whole days to explore the town, see the sights and maybe even get a massage and a hair cut (although not monk style thanks). Unfortunately the Dalai Lama himself is off in America or somewhere, otherwise I am sure he would have been delighted to meet us… While in India we have been admiring some of the signs along the road. Favourites so far include: “Eat mushrooms, keep your country strong” “Don’t feed the monkeys, it may cause mishap” “Thanks ICA [Institute of Computer Accountants]. Now I can marry off my sister” After returning from Dharamsala we headed for Chandigarh (and our favourite Wild West pub, complete with cowboy hats and curry), and then on to Rishkesh, the home of yoga, for a bit of spiritual enlightenment (although strictly of the alcohol-free type of spirits, as it is a very dry town!). Fortunately we arrived at the same time as over a million pilgrims dressed in orange who have been parading through the streets all day. An absolutely amazing sight, watching thousands of people journeying through the town, and throwing offerings into the somewhat swollen Ganges. Unfortunately our whitewater rafting will have to wait for Nepal, which is where we are off to next, via a nature reserve where we will be going on an safari on the back of elephants in the hope of seeing a tiger!

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