Saturday, 25 October 2008

“Tourist” (St Germain)

After all the fairly unadulterated wildlife we have had the pleasure of seeing in Borneo, our visit to the Turtle Islands brought us back to the more unappealing aspects of mass tourism. It was all very slick, and in the end a lovely spectacle, particularly the releasing of the baby turtles (no wonder only 3% survive, they almost all went the wrong way and headed back up the beach!), but it was true conveyor belt tourism.
The Green Turtle eggs which had been collected by the ranger (108 in total): Measuring the mother turtle after she had finished laying the eggs. Her carapace (I would have called it a shell) measured over 1 metre long, and almost 1 metre across:
The 25 baby turtles that our group got to watch being released. They were very cute!:
Today is our last day in Borneo from where we are heading back to mainland Malaysia, and then on to Singapore, before I head to Sydney, others to Darwin, Melbourne or back to the UK. Difficult to believe it has been over 6 months!

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