From the Jeti-Oghus bushcamp we were headed for Kochkor which was to be the jumping off spot for four of our group who had decided to try their luck at getting through China on their own. So we had a final group meal together, and then bade them farewell and best wishes the next morning as they headed off in a taxi and we headed off on Penelope towards Bishkek and Pete who was still there trying to sort out visas which was (and is) continuing to be quite a challenging process! We decided to give Pete a laugh by turning up in our fancy dress costumes, so about half an hour out of Bishkek we changed into them, including Tim who was therefore forced to drive in a light pink two piece mother-of-the-bride outfit, although we did allow him to only wear the hat once we had arrived in Bishkek.
The crew - Cheryl, Pete and Tim:

I'd like to see some pics of the outfits! The pink two-piece sounds a delight!
Check out the picture of him hugging a girl wearing a blow up duck in the posting below!
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